目前分類:Corona (29)

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Corona Images, Shapes, and Text About Display Objects Part2

Common Object Methods


Object methods are accessed via the colon operator. For example, if we have a DisplayObject represented by the variable object, we can translate the object 10 pixels to the right (of it's current position): object:translate( 100 ).

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Corona Images, Shapes, and Text About Display Objects Part1

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Apple Corona Basic Functions Changes to Lua

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Basic Functions

The following are basic global functions that are available in Lua. For security reasons, certain functions in the standard Lua distribution are not available. For more information see Changes to Lua.

以下是基本的全球可用的函數在Lua出於安全原因,某些功能在標準 Lua的分佈情況不詳。欲了解更多信息,請參閱變更到Lua

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Getting Started with Corona

Ansca Mobile's Corona will fundamentally change how you approach iOS and Android software development, whether you're an engineer, a web developer, or a designer.

The Corona SDK allows you to rapidly create native applications and high-performance games for the iPhone, iPad, and Android. You get full access to device-specific features such as the camera, keyboard, GPS, accelerometer, video playback, audio recording, multitouch input and embedded web views. Your application will automatically leverage the performance benefits of being a native executable, especially hardware-accelerated OpenGL graphics and sound.

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Quick Start Guide Part2

Modifying Your First Program

Before moving on to more advanced game development examples, let's make some simple changes to your program.

As you may have guessed, the second line of this program sets the color of the text that you created in the first line:

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Quick Start Guide


You only need two things to get started with Corona:

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Apple Corona in 5 minutes Part 2

Animation and Sound

Let's animate the text and add some sound every time the user taps the button. Start with the “HelloWorld2” project and add the following lines at the end of main.lua so that the text will move vertically down by 100 pixels:

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Corona in 5 minutes  Part 1

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