Corona Images, Shapes, and Text About Display Objects Part2
Common Object Methods
methods are accessed via the colon operator. For example, if we have a DisplayObject
represented by the
variable object, we can translate the object 10 pixels to the right (of it's
current position): object:translate( 10, 0 )
訪問對象的方法是通過結腸運營商。例如,如果我們有一個 DisplayObject變量所代表的對象,我們可以翻譯的對象 10像素到右邊(可以把它的當前位置):object:翻譯(10,0)。
Below are the common methods shared by all display objects:
object:getParent() is deprecated in favor or object.parent. (Yes, you should ignore the fact that sample code continues to use this API).
object:getParent()已過時贊成或object.parent。 (是的,你應該忽視這樣一個事實,樣本代碼繼續使用此API)。
object:rotate( deltaAngle ) effectively adds deltaAngle (in degrees) to the current rotation property.
object:scale( sx, sy ) effectively multiplies xScale and yScale properties by sx and sy respectively. If the current xScale and yScale values are 0.5 and sx and sy are also 0.5, the resulting scale will be 0.25 for xScale and yScale. This scales the object from 50% of it's original size to 25%.
object:scale(sx,sy)有效地繁殖性能的xScale和yScale sx和sy分別。如果目前的XScale和yScale值分別為 0.5和SX和SY也是0.5,由此產生的規模將是0.25 XScale和yScale。這個尺度上的對象,從 50%它的原始大小的25%。
object:setReferencePoint( referencePoint
) sets the reference point
either to the center of the object (default) or to one of several convenient
points along the bounding box of the object. The argumentreferencePoint
should be one of:
object:setReferencePoint(referencePoint)設置參考點無論對中心的對象(默認)或一個點的幾家便利沿邊界框對象的。這個論點 referencePoint應該之一:
- display.CenterReferencePoint
- display.TopLeftReferencePoint
- display.TopCenterReferencePoint
- display.TopRightReferencePoint
- display.CenterRightReferencePoint
- display.BottomRightReferencePoint
- display.BottomCenterReferencePoint
- display.BottomLeftReferencePoint
- display.CenterLeftReferencePoint
design, an object's reference point is statically positioned relative to the
object's local origin. This means that if you explicitly set an object's
reference point using setReferencePoint()
then later modify the height or width of the object, the reference point may no
longer refer to the same point.
Changing the
object's reference point will change the object's x and y values without moving
the object.
This can cause unexpected results,
especially when working with text objects: assigning a different string to the
object's text
property changes the object's width, but not
its reference point, which changes the object's alignment. The workaround is to
reset the object's reference point and x-position after assigning the new
string. The following code illustrates this behavior and workaround. (These
concepts also apply to other types of display objects, such as image and
-- A text object is created and is aligned left at point x=20
--創建一個文本對象是左對齊,並在點 x= 20 local textObj = display.newText("A short string", 0,0, nil, 14); textObj:setReferencePoint(display.CenterLeftReferencePoint); textObj.x = 20; -- Later, the textObj.text property is assigned a new string value of different length, -- causing the object's width to change, but not its reference point. -- Consequently, the text is no longer aligned left at point x =20 -後來,textObj.text屬性分配一個新的字符串值的不同長度,
- 導致物件的寬度變化,但不是它的參考點。
-因此,text不再是左對齊在點 x= 20
textObj.text = "This string has several more characters than before..." -- Work-around: -- Reset the text object's reference point and x position -- after you update its text property:
- 重置text物件的參考點和X位置
-在更新它的Text屬性: textObj.text = "This string has several more characters than before..." textObj:setReferencePoint(display.CenterLeftReferencePoint); textObj.x = 20
object:translate( deltaX, deltaY ) effectively adds deltaX
and deltaY
to the x and y properties respectively. This
will move the object from it's current position.
object:removeSelf( ) removes the display object and frees its
memory, assuming there are no other references to it. This is equivalent to
calling group:remove(IndexOrChild)
on the
same display object, but is syntactically simpler. The removeSelf()
is also supported in other cases, such as removing
physics joints in Physics.
object:removeSelf()刪除顯示物件並釋放其內存,假設沒有其他對它的引用。這等同於調用組:remove(IndexOrChild)在相同的顯示對象,但在語法簡單。 removeSelf()語法也支持在其他情況下,如取消物理接頭物理。
See the section on removing objects properly in the Application Programming Guide for more on memory management and display object removal.